Increasing Need for Young Men to register to be Bone Marrow Donors.
Josh Dickinson
Image credit - ABC
Recently the ABC ran a news story about the urgent need for more bone marrow donors to register in Australia. Especially now during the Pandemic the need for donors within our country is ever increasing. There are complications that can occur with transport of cells from overseas and within many Aussie’s requiring stem cell donations every year we need to do our part for people in our country.
Read the full story here:
In particular there is a huge need for more young men to register to be potential donors. At the moment only 4% of the ABMDR is young men. We need to start a conversation to encourage young men to become bone marrow donors as they can be a lifesaver for someone in need.
Australia relies on the support of overseas donors heavily at the moment however, we should be trying to recruit more Australian donors and help out our fellow Aussies! By relying on overseas donors it can create many complications including delays, or the risk they will be damaged by travelling so far.
Strength to give is trying to get more Australian’s to register, via a cheek swab, to become donors so we can build up our countries Registry. If you are between the ages of 18-35 register today to become a bone marrow donor and a potential lifesaver!