Surrey Park Footy Match
Lisa video
We met Lisa when she dropped in to say hello at our Surrey Park live swabbing event. She shared her story with us of being a stem cell donor.
If you would like to know more about what it is actually like to donate stem cells and about why Lisa chose to donate - check out the video here!
Freddy Young, Mark, Kate Levy and Chris Tanti during the Q&A
Launching the Documentary
This short film is so inspiring and it will be a fantastic resource going forward in creating awareness about the need for stem cell donors.
Mark’s story is not just a film; it’s an incredible tool to educate and inspire. By sharing his experience, we hope to encourage more people to join the registry and make a difference!
Featured Stories
Meet Mark Reid
He is our very first Australian Marrow Match (AMM) Ambassador!
Mark was diagnosed with Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) in 2019 and needed a stem cell transplant to survive and received it in 2020 and continues to go from strength to strength.
carlos’ Story
Carlos received a stem cell transplant 7 years ago and is thankful everyday for his donor. Read his story here.
Meet ANgus (AMM AMbassador)
Australian marrow ‘Match’
On Saturday 1st of May 2021 Australian Marrow Match was involved in the AMM Awareness Game. This was a football match in Tasmania, Australia between two local clubs and aimed to raise awareness about the need for more people to join the registry, particularly young men, to become a potential stem cell donor.